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Learning Irish

Some Key Phrases for Your Next Trip

Although English is widely spoken, Irish (Gaeilge) is also an official language of Ireland. It is taught in schools and is on all the street signs alongside English. You will also see Irish used in public life at all levels from broadcasting to government. For example, the head of state is called the Taoiseach (TAY-shuh), rather than “president.”

It’s always a good idea for travelers to learn at least a handful of words in the local language. It both shows respect for the people and culture you’re visiting, but it also sets you apart from the countless other travelers who can’t be bothered. Whether they respond with smiles, laughs, or even some good old Irish teasing, the simple gesture will mean a lot to many locals, particularly in rural areas, and may even lead to deeper connections along the way.  As you can see from the chart below, the pronunciation of Irish phrases can be a bit challenging, but don't worry if you don't get it perfect. Irish speakers will certainly appreciate the effort!

              English                          Irish                       Pronunciation


How are you?

I am good.

Good morning

Good afternoon / evening

Good night



Thank you

I'd like two beers /


What's your name?

I love Ireland


I would like a table for two.

Where is the toilet?

I would like to pay the bill.

Do you take credit cards?

Dia dhuit

Conas atá tú?

Tá mé go maith

Maidin mhaith

Tráthnóna maith

Oíche mhaith


Le do thoil

Go raibh maith agat

Ba mhaith liom dhá beoir /


Cén t-ainm atá ort?


Is aoibhinn liom Éirinn


Ba mhaith liom bord do dhó

Cá bhfuil an leithreas?

Ba mhaith liom an bille a íoc.

An nglacann sibh le cárta creidmheasa

Dee-ah ghwitch

Kun-us ah-taw too

Taw may goh mah

MAH-jin why

TRAW-noh-nah mah

EE-ha wah


Leh duh hull

Guh rev mah ah-gut

Bah wah lum gaw beh-er /


Kayn tin-um ah-taw ort

Iss ee-vin lum Ay-rin


Bah wah lum bord doh graw

Kaw will on leh-hras

Bah wah lum on bill-eh a eek

On glah-kahn shiv leh kawr-tah krehd-vuh-sah

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